Friday, July 27, 2012

A big thank you to Anthony...

After taking off a few pounds, my wedding ring became too loose and was lost at work. I was just devastated when this happened.  I was just convinced that it was gone forever. My loving hubby not only got me a beautiful replacement, but also told me a lovely story...even if it was all completely made up....about how that ring was going to bring joy to someone who would have otherwise been unable to have such a beautiful ring to celebrate their love.  Awww!!  It makes me love him more just remembering him telling me the story to make me feel better. Anyway, to make a long, long, story shorter, Anthony, a co-worker found my ring inside of a box that my ring had fallen inside of.  The strange part being that I knew that I had not even opened that box in months.  Thank you again Anthony for taking the time to open that box and make sure that the count listed on the outside was correct, and most importantly, being the type of person to find something that valuable and making sure that I got it back.

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